Get A Life!

Virtual hangout of the single Christian girls of Southern Ontario.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Hey Girls,

I just wanted to let you all know that my grandma (my mom's mom) died this afternoon. We were expecting it, since she has gone downhill steadily since my grandpa died 6 years ago, and last week she stopped eating, but it's still pretty tough on my mom to lose that last connection, expecially since she herself has been so sick lately.

Grandma's in a WAY better place right now - to the end, you could sense a feeling of peace come over her when you sang psalms to her. Now she's having a eternal-lifetime chance to sing those songs of praise to God herself! She is in His hands!!

Please pray for the rest of my family too though, my mom and especially my uncle and aunt who just flew back to the Netherlands last week and most likely won't make it down for the funeral.

"You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion...abundant in mercy and truth." Ps. 86.15


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